Initial Evaluation with the Certified
Rehabilitation Driving Specialist

The driving evaluation process for determining appropriateness for participation in the Indiana Bioptic Driving Program is not difficult in fact it is quite simple. You will meet with your driver rehab specialist to gather necessary information, perform relevant testing, observe proficiency with use of your telescope system and be given “home work” assignments to perform as you wait for your BMV approval letter.  The length of time to complete this evaluation will vary but you should plan between 1-1 ½ hours.

Information needed includes:

  • Medical history, medication you are currently taking
  • Driving History
  • Personal Driving Needs/Goals

Clinical Testing:

  • Physical Skills Testing (strength, movement limitations)
  • Review of vision testing provided by your Low Vision Specialist

Cognitive/Behavioral Observations:

In-Vehicle Assessment:  typically performed as a passenger with the driver rehab specialist operating the motor vehicle.  The purpose of this assessment is to establish a base-line regarding current bioptic telescope system proficiency (use of the “carrier” or spectacle, verses “scope” or telescope portion). 

The driver rehab specialist will determine if your skill level is adequate to participate in the program and will forward all necessary documentation to the BMV for consideration.

The approval process may take up to 12 weeks to get your approval letter, but often less time has been demonstrated.  Once you receive approval you should plan to take the written test at the BMV to get your Learner Permit for Training Purposes Only which is good for one year from date of issue.

Once you have your permit you will need to notify your driver rehab specialist to discuss scheduling your behind-the-wheel bioptic driver training.